40: How To Use Body Talk To Lose Weight, Love The Way You Look & Improve Your Health with Jackie Bowker
Jackie Bowker 00:00
For many, many years, I blowed my feet because they were too big. They were always a size bigger than everybody else’s. And I was embarrassed, I would even buy shoes that were half or a size smaller than me, just so people didn’t realize that I was a 41 instead of a 40. When I’ve shared this story with others, it’s amazing to me how many females have done the same thing. For years, a squash my feet in shoes that were too small for me. I mean, think about that. It’s just It blows my mind. So I want to blow your mind with this really simple technique called Body Talk. Hi, there, welcome to the feel better now podcast. I’m your host, Jackie balca. And if you’ve arrived here, no, there is something in here to spark yourself to create a better future, in your health, in your career, in your relationships for both yourself. And for those around you. Just one small action step at a time. With so much love and gratitude to be your guide. Let’s get started. Jackie back. Why don’t we do my buddy. Welcome, welcome. So excited to be here this week talking about a subject that I am truly, truly passionate about. And really, I’m speaking from the heart. There was a time when I was a little girl or probably more teenage. And I really didn’t like the way I looked. Every time I looked in the mirror. I thought my hair was too dark. My face was too fat. My boobs were too small, my thighs were too big. And if I think about it, now, if I reflect on it, the words that were coming back to me, every time I caught my reflection in the mirror were ones that were toxic. And what we know now is that these toxic thoughts affect our health outcomes. toxic thoughts affects how well we are, how much disease we have in our body, how long we will live in a way that is vibrant with energy with great vitality. I don’t want that for you. It took me years to undo the pattern of self loathing to understand the importance of speaking to myself with love, with kindness, with gratitude, with empathy. And that’s what I want for you. I want you to use my experiences to accelerate. One of the most beautiful techniques that I can share is something called Body Talk. Over the last week, I hosted the most exceptional experience with a group of 10 Fantastic, divine angels, spiritual beings in this human existence. I witnessed breakthrough after breakthrough personal and business. There were many, many aha moments, there was an acceleration in health outcomes. I watched them in three short days, I watched them drop, kilos and pounds. I watched them shed fluid from their bodies, I watched them strip trapped emotions that were stored. One of the days I was telling this story about how I spoke to myself as a young girl as a teenager, and then as someone in their 20s, and even into my early 30s. And I couldn’t believe the response the hands in the room that were with me, how much people related to this story, how much people related to themselves. And their mothers. The words we were using to ourself and remember, our cells are listening, and what we believe becomes what we see. So many communication cues are both verbal and nonverbal. It’s not just what you say, it’s how you’re feeling as you say it, the meaning of the words makes such a difference. One of the things I really wanted to do was turn this around in myself and in others around you. And once you learn, it’s difficult to unlearn one of my mentors, Louise Hay, bless her, taught me a beautiful skill that I want to share with you today. It is a divine practice that you can bring in to improve your health outcomes wherever you’re at. It doesn’t have to take a lot of time, and it doesn’t cost any money. I’ve taught those to those around me my students, my friend In my family, most importantly, my children, the technique I want to teach you is called Body Talk. When you’re standing in front of the mirror, what are the words you’re using? When you catch your reflection? What are you saying to yourself? Awareness is the first step to change. You may not know yet the answer to these questions, but now I’m planting that seed. So the next time you catch a reflection, remember my question and write down the answer. One of my mentors, Sam horn always talks about, put a line down the middle of the page. And on the left, you’re writing down. So in this example, on the left, you’re writing down the words that you might be hearing, if they are words that are no longer supporting you. Words that are toxic thoughts, words, you would never speak to another human being. On the right side of the page, write the word that you would say, the word that does represent love and kindness, the word that represents how the world sees you, not the other way around. So often we don’t realize the difference, the stark contrast between how we perceive ourselves, and how the world perceives us. My daughter, Coco in the morning, does her body talk. She stands in front of the mirror, and she says something nice to herself. It’s as simple as that. You can say how much you love yourself, how much you love your beautiful eyes, how much you love your gorgeous smile, how much you appreciate your legs, for taking you around for your feet for walking you for many, many years. I blowed my feet because they were too big. They will always a size bigger than everybody else’s. And I was embarrassed, I would even buy shoes that were half or a size smaller than me, just so people didn’t realize that I was a 41 instead of a 40. When I’ve shared this story with others, it’s amazing to me how many females have done the same thing for years, a squash my feet in shoes that were too small for me. I mean, think about that. It’s just It blows my mind. So I want to blow your mind with this really simple technique called Body Talk. The best way to be good to your body is to remember to love it. And we’ve seen time and time again, the connection between loving ourselves and loving our body and improved health outcomes. And what does that mean? That means reduced anxiety. That means improved communication with others. That means improved relationships. That means making more money. Because if you’ve got an abundance, mindset about yourself, you will have an abundant mindset with your finances. So look yourself in your own eyes and tell yourself how wonderful you are. It’s as simple as that. Just love yourself. You deserve all the beautiful things and so much more. I challenge you, every time you pass yourself and see your reflection, say something positive. These thoughts, these words you’re using, you’re using a muscle, and that muscle gets lazy if it doesn’t get used. So imagine we’re making a big snowball and we want the snowball to get bigger and bigger and bigger with all this momentum with all of these positive thoughts. Speak to yourself. Only like you would speak to someone that you love that you adore, that you cherish. Think about who that person could be. For me, I absolutely love my caboodle cookie. Dogs are a great example because they are the perfect example of unconditional love. What are the words you would describe to describe your favorite animal? What are the words that you would describe to describe your favorite friend, your favorite human, I challenge you to use those words, every time you’re walking past yourself in the mirror and catch your affliction. It’s an act of love to take care of your body. This is one of my favorite tips. So to summarize, here are my three top points about how to do body talk. Remember, so much of your cues are verbal and nonverbal. Number one, it’s not as verbal, it’s nonverbal. It’s not just what you say. But it’s how you’re saying it. The words you use, the emotions you’re feeling when you’re using them. What are you saying and what are you thinking? Because it’s both we are all just energy. Tip number two, speak to yourself as though you’re speaking to your favorite human or your favorite animal, or your favorite tree in nature or your favorite place, or even your favorite coffee. What are the words you would use? I challenge you to use words of love, of kindness, of affection of gratitude tip number three Look yourself straight into your eyes. When you’re saying this make the connection, making the connection is really going to work that muscle and create positive momentum making that snowball bigger and bigger and bigger so it becomes easier and easier and easier. You don’t have to believe it at first that will come the more you practice it. If you enjoy this episode on body talk, and you are interested in this concept of what you believe you say, listen to my episode with Bruce Lipton. It is phenomenal. And it really plants the seed he talks in a way that is so interesting. He’s so funny. I hope you enjoy this show. And I’ll see you next week. Bye bye. If you made it to the end of this episode, celebrate yourself because it means you are truly dedicated to feeling better in your health, in your career in your relationships. And I am so proud of you. And if you want more of the feel better now so tune in every Monday for new episodes and join our community on Instagram at Jackie Belka for all the behind the scenes action and more. Hey, why don’t you sign up for a chance to have your question answered at feel better institute.com/sign up that feel better institute.com/sign up but most of all, please keep reaching to feel better because the world needs you to feel good. So you can share that very special gift that only you have. So with that said, See you soon here’s to feeling better now. Bye bye Jackie