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Want a happy gut?

Say Hello To Your 12 week Gut, Brain, Body RESET

Get my easy, stress free plan for how to lose weight, heal your gut & feel phenomenal again without dieting, feeling deprived or crazy exercise.

As a result of our program participants lose weight, sleep through the night and get their energy back!

Trusted & Featured by


Hi, I’m Jackie Bowker, Gut Health Nutritionist

Over the last 10 years I've women solve sometimes the most impossible of health problems - lose weight, heal their gut, help balance their hormones, get their energy back, and help them fit into their favourite clothes again.

I'm the CEO of the Global Feel Better Institute, best selling author, speaker and podcast host, Nutritional Scientist, PhD Student and Creator of the Gut, Brain, Body Reset.

I'm a two-time Master degree qualified Functional Nutritionist trained by the most accomplished holistic practitioners globally. I have developed a proven, evidence based method to help you lose weight, sleep through the night and get your energy and focus back. You go through the process of healing your gut, upgrading your mindset and learning how to eat to nourish your body.

I've been successful where others haven't. Partly because I had to struggle through it myself - I get you because I've felt the same way. If you're someone that struggles with low energy and managing your hormones and weight you're in the right place.

I leveraged the proven science of functional medicine and subconscious reprogramming to develop a unique gut, brain, body system that allows people to reclaim their energy, mind and body faster than traditional methods.

You may have tried to hack your sleep, your diet, your metabolism or even your blood sugar. Those things can produce results. Problem is, they're not always sustainable because all you've done is put a bandaid on the problem. You haven't addressed the root cause that drove you to eat poorly, sleep poorly and drain your energy that's set you up for failure.

I don’t want you to look back in 6 or even 12 months from now without the body you want, wondering what could’ve been if you only took action.

I want you to look at yourself with CONFIDENCE… proud of yourself because of how body is performing for you… and the energy that you have for yourself and your loved ones. And I want you to thank yourself for the decision you made today.


There are many programs out there...

That little voice in your head is saying things like... is this going to work for me? Well, you're able to see the incredible growth our members are having inside the program!


"I have lost close to 20 kilos"

I feel really good... my self esteem is improved, I am not constantly thinking about when my next meal is.

Nicole - Gut, Brain Body Reset Alumni


"I can wear my favourite clothes again!"

After doing this program... I have lost enough weight and my gut is flat enough now, I can wear my favourite clothes again. Anyone who is considering the Gut, Brain, Body Reset should just jump in.

Lisa Ann - Gut, Brain, Body Reset Alumni


"I lost 4kgs within 6 weeks and did not put it back on!"

I would definitely recommend the Gut Brain Body Reset program for everybody. The reason is this is very easy to follow and it delivers amazing results all within a short amount of time.

Adriana Constantopedos - Gut, Brain Body Reset Alumni


"My health benefits have been phenomenal!"

With Jackie, I feel like I've always got someone in my corner with whatever decisions I have to make. Health decisions or life decisions. She has been there by my side coaching me along the way. I would strongly recommend working with Jackie Bowker.

Christine Palmer - High School Teacher

The Gut Brain Body Reset may be for you if...

  • you are often exhausted, wake up tired with no energy to get through the day and can't wait to get to your coffee just to get the jolt you need to get your day started.
  • you know your gut and body are just not right and you don't love how you look or feel. You don't fit into a lot of your favorite clothes and you now have belly fat! But you're confused and overwhelmed about what to do about it.
  • brain brain fog is common and you're not sleeping well. Your boss or coworkers challenge you at work and you're at a loss for certain words and you forget things easily. Oh, and everybody is irritating you lately!
  • you start eating a normal meal and when you're done, you're not satisfied and want some sweets. You have cravings that you can't help but give in to... and then feel guilty as a result.
  • you often feel bloated, or have fluctuating constipation and diarrhea. Needing to know where bathrooms are makes you anxious.

You may be wondering... is this going to work for me?

Well, you're able to see the incredible growth our members are having inside the program!


Introducing The 5 Pillars To Reset Your Body

In each of the 5 pillars, I take you through my proven 5R's (Rewire, Review, Remove, Rebuild, Revitalize) to reset your gut, brain and body so you can look amazing, feel amazing and be on purpose. Because the world needs you to feel good, from the inside, so you can share your very special gifts.



Learn how to easily communicate with your mind to get what you want. The plan provides simple tools and strategies to accelerate your results. Sometimes we unknowingly hold ourselves back. Learn how to reframe limiting beliefs that are no longer serving you so that you achieve results you didn't even believe were possible. You're about to believe in yourself again, to know that you're worthy of success, and that you deserve everything that life has to offer you. 


Nutrition, Gut & Detox

I will give you exactly what foods to choose to eat and not to eat each day. I also give you a complete meal plan, easy recipes and shopping lists every week. I take the thinking out of it for you. You don't need to spend hours of time trying to find simple, easy, delicious meal plans and recipes that heal your gut so that you feel phenomenal in your body again. The recipes are easy to make (aka one bowl or pan), and family friendly - I love getting your children involved so they learn how to eat too! I show you how to save you hours of time in the kitchen, how not to waste food and how to cook once and eat multiple times from the same meal. This saves time and money so that you don't have to buy lunch at work or the tuck shop!



Some of us are exercising too much, others not enough. I show you how to exercise to balance your gut, brain and body. Simple tips and strategies to use movement to move lymph around your body, to balance cortisol (your stress hormone) and your circadian rhythm and to stay in the fat burning zone!



Not getting enough of the right types of sleep impact your gut, brain and body! The plan is designed to ensure you stop eating with enough time for digestion, before you go to sleep. This is key to allowing the body to function and detoxify properly overnight. By balancing blood sugar and cortisol, and using the sleep strategies and hacks, we can get your sleep on track so you feel refreshed and energised for the day ahead. We make it easy for you to know how to measure and rewire your sleep, sleep through the night, tips and strategies to get the right amount of restorative sleep. Afterall, sleep is one of the best, free drugs on the market today!



The plan is strategially designed to balance your hormones - adrenals, thyroid and sex hormones! Most hormones are made in the gut, so healing the gut is critical to your success! Balancing blood sugar and cortisol is the first step to sex hormone balance and fat burning, stopping 'cortisol belly' in its tracks. A key part of the plan is intermittent fasting. The plan shows you how to fast safely and effectively for your hormones. The short, weekly audio lessons help you understand the potential triggers that unbalance your hormones, create bloating, brain fog, poor sleep and belly fat, and steal your energy and focus every day.

You're about to read the incredible results our students have experienced from this program!

Finally back in the 60’s! So I went from 74.5kg to 69.5kg in the first 2 weeks and another 1.6kg in the next 2 weeks. So that’s 6.6kg in just under 4 weeks! Your support and inspiration is everything! I am so glad I did this. Recipe rotation and cooking things I never usually would has been awesome. So this is for life now and I don’t plan on going back!!


The program Jackie created for us, guided by what our bodies were craving, literally changed our body shapes, stopped snoring and congestion, found and solved gut issues we didn’t know existed and changed the way we thought about food, nutrition and supplements.


“It's been fantastic, I haven't had this much energy, probably forever. All breakfast options were great. I loved the idea of dinner becomes next days lunch. Favourite dinner was nourish bowl as the kids really got involved. Honestly wasn’t sure what results to expect but I am sleeping better, feel great and my skin is glowing. Can’t ask for much more!



I've lost 8 kilos in 8 weeks!

"I would definitely recommend Jackie Bowker because she puts me at the centre, and I feel really supported and it works!"

A proven system combining functional medicine with ancient wisdom and accountability so that you get and keep REAL RESULTS and can feel like yourself

12 Week Gut, Brain, Body Reset

3 phase proven plan to reset your gut, energy & hormones

Functional Nutritionist designed structured meal plans, recipes & grocery lists saving you hours or time planning and money

Weekly brief, empowering audio lessons on how to balance your gut and hormones that you can listen to anywhere, anytime

12 group coaching calls. These calls increase accountability, are optional & recorded

Access to food & mood online journal to log data and improve accountability

Guided workbook so you can log your measurements and follow along each week

BONUS: Dining out guide - how to eat out and travel and get results!

48 HOUR FAST ACTION BONUS: Gut, Sleep & Mood Supplement Bundle - 6 powerful supplements to accelerate your transformation

Only $1197 or 3 monthly payments of $449

Plus, you'll be backed by a 30-day 'try it, test it, apply it' money back guarantee.

If you're on the fence... or if other programs have left you skeptical... then I want to give you every opportunity to put the Gut, Brain, Body Reset system into action and experience how easy and rewarding it is to heal your gut, lose weight and get their energy back.

That's why I'm giving you a full month to go into the program, implement the system, and press play on your transformation. What I know is that you can do anything, I believe in you.

If after 4 Weeks you have done the work, implemented the plan and you don't feel your symptoms are any better, simply let me know and I'll refund your money (less the cost of any lab work). You have nothing to lose. I'm taking all the risk.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I’m busy or can’t cook. Is this program for me?

Yes! Absolutely! If you think you need to be a chef or spend days in the kitchen, think again! The beautiful thing about the GBB system is that it works for new, busy and seasoned cooks. So yes, even if you’re new to food prep and don’t know your way around the kitchen, this is 100% for you too! One of my 'busiest' clients is a vet surgeon and Abbie says "if I can do it anybody can!"

Yes, there are fruits and veggies to cut up, and produce to buy, HOWEVER, this program is designed exactly for busy people who aren’t able to spare more than 10 to 20 minutes in the kitchen. 

I will give you my tips to save time and money on food prep, where I find the best quality sources of produce, products and protein, and what I use in my kitchen to save time with my proven process. Most of the meals are even 'one bowl', really easy, delicious and quick to prepare so you can spend time on the things that are important to you.

Think of it this way… real food that’s medicine doesn’t need a lot of preparation. On their own these kinds of foods are already delicious and filling to have.

Does eating this way cost more?

This is a great question and depends on how you view the 'cost', or shall we say ‘investment’. Quality produce and ingredients often come with a higher price tag compared to their chemical-laden, processed counterparts.

In the long run, the goal is that you won't have to spend lots of money on medical treatments and surgeries to figure out what's gone wrong in your body because your ‘symptoms’ no longer exist!

Most people eat less when their foods are nutrient rich, dense and satiating. Have you ever found yourself hungry just an hour after a fast-food meal or a bowl of pasta or cereal? This is because your blood sugar has spiked and fallen an hour later making you hungry again, and this food also messes with your gut bacteria, making them want more.

The truth is, this program may require a bit more upfront investment in quality produce, but the bigger investment this program gives you is the budget you will want to spend on traveling the world and chasing your passions when you’re still vibrant as you get older – adventures that are truly priceless! 

Now… what about the ‘cost’ of keeping things the same way? Are you satisfied with the way things are ?

In my opinion, the best investment you can make is on your health. Because what are we without our health? Our health is the energy to run around after our kids on the weekend or go out to dinner with friends and care for loved ones. The energy to take care of ourselves so we fit into our favorite clothes and feel our best. What is that worth to you?

I'm very social and / or travel a lot, will this work for me?

Yes! Some of my most successful clients travel a LOT! I teach you how to eat when you're out, foods to choose (and not choose), the importance of enjoying your food but ordering so you that you don't leave BLOATED, have a bad sleep or wake up with no energy. There's a science to it so you can eat out, and achieve your health goals - and I follow the science!

Do I need to give up alcohol or coffee?

No! This is one of my favourite questions and discussions! If this is important to you, in the GBB method, I show you how to include it in your plan, and still get great results. There's definitely a way to make this work (and also not work) for you.

I might not be able to start right now, due to a holiday or being super busy, but I want to join your program.

You can start the program component when you are ready! Once you have purchased the program, just email us at and we will adjust the start date.

Do I need to be on some crazy diet for this to work? Am I going to feel deprived?

No! You get to eat the best tasting food you've ever had. Regardless of your food preference, guaranteed.

I provide multiple ways for you to follow this program - you can follow the meal plans and recipes, use them as inspiration or simply use my special 'bonus' food list which shows you which foods to ‘choose’ and ‘not to choose’. This list is perfect for when you’re eating out or on holidays. So you can keep getting results, even when you’re not eating at home.

You run the show. What my students do say though, is they're shocked at how good my recipes taste, and how good it is to eat out and not come home bloated or wake up drained and with brain fog. They love how satisfied and energized they feel after eating this way and how easy the recipes are to make.

Can our whole family do this?

Your whole family better do it because if they don't, they won't be able to keep up with you. I love teaching you my simple tips, to create easy, delicious food that the whole family can eat, and save some for leftovers so you always have nourishing, yummy food around.

Is there a payment plan? How does it work?

There is a payment plan available. You pay 3 monthly payments, spreading the investment out over the length of the program.

What if the program isn't the right fit for me? Is there a guarantee?

If you're on the fence... or if other programs have left you skeptical... then I want to give you every opportunity to put the Gut, Brain, Body Reset system into action and experience how easy and rewarding it is to heal your gut, lose weight and get your energy and focus back.

That's why I'm giving you a full month to dive into the program, implement the system, and kickstart your transformation. I have faith in your ability to make this change!

Here's my commitment to you: If, after 4 weeks of following the plan, you do not see any positive results from this program, simply show us that you’ve done the work, and if it isn’t working... simply email and I’ll refund your investment (minus the cost of any lab work done). Your satisfaction is my priority, and I'm here to support you every step of the way!

Can't I just figure this all out myself?

Absolutely. That's what I did. But it was slow-moving, and I made a ton of mistakes (and those mistakes can cost a lot of time, money and not necessary help your symptoms!).

Trust me. I’ve been there! So why stumble around in the dark when someone can give you the light? Why make mistake after mistake that could cost you thousands when you can get a shortcut that guarantees results (and saves you from those costly mistakes!)?

Do I get Lifetime Access to the course?

Yes. Your investment is the only price you'll pay to get lifetime access to this training whilst its available. *PLUS, anytime I have updates, which can include new strategies, tips, recipes and hacks to share, you'll get access to those as well! (at ZERO additional cost to you!)