Meet with Functional Nutritionist Jackie Bowker
STEP 1: Comprehensive Initial Telehealth Consultation
STEP 2: Comprehensive healthcare plan with customized protocol
Finally get the answers you seek. Get the caring guidance you deserve and get the transformational results you have wanted for a long time and not gotten.
What Should I Expect During A Initial Telehealth Consultation?
During the Initial Telehealth Consultation, I will extensively explore your case, getting to the root causes of why you feel the way that you do, and review any past labs you may have. During this time we will also determine if any functional medicine labs or advanced protocols are needed, and if so, which ones would be best.
What our clients are saying:
It's been a life-changer!
I've lost 8 kilos in 8 weeks
Life-changing in many ways
I have lost about 11 kilos so far
I've lost almost 10 pounds
What Should I Expect After My Initial Telehealth Consultation?
Once your Initial Telehealth Consultation is completed, you have the option to become a patient of the clinic through your own customized care plan. This is a custom tailored experience for each patient that can include advanced functional medicine protocols and extended, immersive guidance based on the lab results of testing the patient chooses based on our recommendations. This care plan can includes 24/7 messaging support in between your online consults as well as exercise, lifestyle, and stress management protocols. I provide unparalleled one-on-one coaching, educational guidance and Rapid Mindset Shifts so that you can feel empowered with full agency over your wellness.
Meet with Functional Nutritionist Jackie Bowker
STEP 1: Comprehensive Initial Telehealth Consultation
STEP 2: Comprehensive healthcare plan with customized protocol
Finally get the answers you seek. Get the caring guidance you deserve and get the transformational results you have wanted for a long time and not gotten.