10: [MINI DOSE] What Does Poo Says About You?
[00:00:00] We recently did a study on energy. And so I’ve got a great energy quiz. If anyone wants it on my website, feel better. institute.com 10 question. How’s your energy quiz. It’s a fabulous one. And we’ve run this study on over 7,000 people. Now only 4% of people have optimal digestion. So more than nine out of 10 people, their system isn’t working optimally.
I mean, this is a problem. This is a big problem. So I want you to take responsibility for your own health and nutrition. Find out what is going on and let me know how we can support you.
Hi there. Welcome to the field better now, podcast. I’m your host, Jackie Balca. And if you’ve arrived here, no, there is something in here to spark yourself to create a bit of. In your help in your career, in your relationships, both yourself. [00:01:00] And for those around you, just one small action step at a time with so much love and gratitude to be your guide.
Let’s get started.
Jackie and pooping every two days is that normal? So excited to answer this week’s listener question from array and Marie asks I’m pooping every two days, is that normal? I love this question and I actually get questions and messages like this all the time, everything from this Marie’s question about grouping every two days to I have runny poops and I’m bloated, what should I do?
So I wanted to get really down and practical in this week’s episode to talk about poop, because it really does tell you so much about yourself. So I call this episode, what does your [00:02:00] poo say about you? And it’s just so important for you to know this for you to teach your families. This, the first thing is it’s really important to ask yourself a few key questions.
So the questions are, how often are you putting. This particular example, we know Marie is pulling every two days. First of all, not enough, the way things are supposed to work. So what Maria is describing is very much common, but not normal. What is normal about the way their gastrointestinal tract? The digestive system is supposed to work is that we really should be pooping after we eat.
So after a meal. So you should be pooping one to three times a day. So the first warning sign, if you are not. Three times a day, is that your digestive system isn’t working optimally. And why is that important? Well, most of our immune system sits in the gut and the gut and the brain are connected by what’s called a superhighway by the Vegas nerve.
[00:03:00] So if there’s something not working optimally in the gut, there’s something not working optimally in your brain and in your whole system. So we need to sort that out. So how often are you pooping? So Marie’s told us she’s pumping every two days first sign. And her question is, is this. It is common, but not normal.
We’re going to talk more about what to do about that. Second question is, does your poop float or sink? This is a really key indicator. So the first thing to do is you actually have to look at your poop. You need to do a poop and you need to look in the bowl and condition yourself and those around you.
To know what your poop looks like. Most people that know me know that I’ve got a dog and I was describing my dog’s poop this morning, over the breakfast table. And my children were groaning and I was saying, oh, cookie did this enormous poop this morning. It was, you know, the length of two hands. I haven’t seen anything like it.
And so in my head, you know, I’m a scientist after all I’m thinking, oh goodness, I dissecting what. Today. And I was working out that must’ve been working really well for him. So, [00:04:00] you know, I want to normalize this conversation about what your poop looks like, like get to know it for yourself, and don’t be afraid to have the courage to talk about it and to think, what am I doing?
That’s working for me and what could I be doing that? Be creating my system to be needing some support. So what might not be working so well, so easier poop floating, or is it sinking that your poop should sink to the bottom? No skid marks. So there’s a couple of things when it’s floating on the top. And when there’s skid marks, basically that means that there’s something going on with the liver, probably with the liver, gallbladder, something going on with your ability to digest fats, because we don’t want to see greasiness.
We don’t want to say slimy Venus. We don’t want to see any sort of fat in the stool. And if it’s carrying fat, then it will float to the top. And if it’s leaving like big skid marks, that means that there’s some, some issue there it’s, it’s got too much fat in the store, so we want it to be easy to pass and we [00:05:00] want it to look like a sausage or a snake.
So if you Google this’ll be the best tip ever. If you don’t know it, if you Google something called the Bristol stool chart, you’ll be like, Thousands and thousands of images of what your poop is supposed to look like. And they grade the images from type one to a type five. And we’re looking for you to be like a type three or four, which basically looks like a sausage or a snake.
So it should be a nice log. Some people say sausage, some people say snake. So that’s a key question that I ask people. What does your poop look like? A sausage or a snake, or is it looking more. Cow Patty or some people describe it as like marshmallow or foam or is it super dry, like pebbles. And so when it’s super dry like that, basically it means that your not pooping enough and basically too much water has been reabsorbed back into the body.
So the still is spending too long in your system. We’re looking at about a transit time. So from the time you eat something to the time you poop, we’re looking at about 18 to [00:06:00] 24 hours. So longer than that, the soul is going to be too dry. And you might see that as like pebbles or pooping less often, and shorter than that is when something’s moving too quickly through your system.
And it’s carrying too much of the water out. And that’s where we see more soft stools. So getting back to our key indicators, what about if your poo smells and there’s that. Saying about, you know, your shit don’t stink. So it is actually really important. Your poop is not supposed to smell. Um, so a lot of people don’t know this, but you should be in and out of the bathroom.
It should be really easy to pass, you know, flushed away and someone should be able to go into the bathroom afterwards and not notice anything at all. So that’s how it really should. One of the things I am really passionate about is doing the right investigation in terms of, if people do need to explore what might be going on with any digestive issues.
And so I want to talk about that in a couple of ways. The first thing is opening up [00:07:00] what I call the drain. Pathways. So opening up the body’s ability to move things out of the body is really important and poop is a really key channel. So we’ve got a few key ways for the body to eliminate waste. We’ve got the lymphatic system and that ends up through the poop.
We’ve got the kidneys. Through the way with what our breath and we’ve also got sweat. So the first thing is I want to make sure that those systems are working for you, that you’re weighing a good amount, that you’re pooping a good amount and that your, you have the ability to sweat. And that means that as we age those systems, don’t often work as well.
So it’s really important to encourage those systems, to eliminate waste from the body. The second investigative tool that we do have is a laboratory. It’s called a stool test. I absolutely love this test and I’ve never had a single client when we haven’t gone through the results of their tests, where they’ve been blown away about what they now know [00:08:00] about their body.
And those of you that know me know that I’m really passionate about empowering you with information that you need to know about your own body. Because first of all, you’ve only got one body, right? You’ve only got one. Temple. And so it’s really important that you know how it’s working and what support it needs.
So this DNA stool tests, when I run is called the GI map, gives us so much information. We can see what’s going on. The gut lining itself. We can say if there’s any damage and that can be caused from bugs, that can be caused from food sensitivities that can be caused from chemicals that can be caused from stress.
So many things affect the quality of that gut lining, but don’t you want to know if your gut lining is nice and intact, or if it’s got gaping holes in it that allow. Bugs and wastes into the bloodstream to cause issues down the line. Now I’m always talking about disease and especially man-made disease.
It doesn’t just happen. It doesn’t just turn up and you’ve got, you’ve got [00:09:00] cancer or you’ve got some sort of illness. No, it’s been building the imbalances and the dysfunction have been building 10, 20, 30 years prior. So this DNA still tests, I think is a game changer. You know, we can see imbalanced. Well, they become pathology.
And for me, I just think it’ll save you so much money to run these tests. But anyway, we’ll talk about why recently I ran one on myself and, you know, I have very good gut health. Unlike Maria I’m, I’m pulling, you know, multiple times a day, every day, but one of the things that our family do for prevention is run this stool test so we can make sure that we are in optimal health or moving in that direction.
So. I see the degree of laziness, even though I look after myself and what’s on the end of my focus. Great. You know, my movement is balanced. I sleep really well. There are things outside of my control and things going on that, you know, may or may not affect my gut lining so I can see how Lakey, my [00:10:00] days from this.
I can see the degree that my pancreas is excruciating pancreatic enzyme. Now that’s really important because that means I understand how well or how not. Well I’m breaking down my food and if I’m not breaking down my food at the pancreas, it’s not able to arrive at the gut in the way that my body needs to move nutrients to my cells to make healthy cells.
In my particular example, my pancreatic outlet. Very very low, completely suboptimal. And so what I now need to do is investigate why, but what I can do now is support myself with digestive enzymes to give my pancreas the support it needs so that when I’m eating my clean protein and my nourished ball with my eggs and my veggies on my salmon.
And I know that I need to deceive enzymes because I’ve seen the evidence that my pancreas isn’t outputting the appropriate amount. Of enzymes to be digesting even my [00:11:00] healthy food. So that was really, really enlightening for me to see that. And then I have to go down a deeper investigation and work out why, you know, am I too stressed while I’m eating, which is compromising my digestion.
Has there been some condition which has suppressed my pancreatic output and I need to work on that. But the biggest insight is that I have the data and I know. Where I’m at and I know where I want to get to. And so now we can make a plan around that. The other thing that I think is really great to see is your immune system.
So we can see, uh, the strength of your immune system. Okay. You know, most of our immunity sits in our gut, so I can see the ability for me to defend myself. And it was really interesting. My immune system was quite low and I’ve got a viral history. So it’s not surprising to me that my immune system is low.
It’s something that I do work on really hard. And my husband’s immune system. On fire. So [00:12:00] immediately we could see that, you know, he’s probably likely to have some food sensitivities because his immune system was on like really, really high alert. And now we know we have to go down and do some deeper investigation to determine what foods he’s reacting to because something is, you know, really putting him on high alert.
So, so much was revealed from. Joel tests. And then of course not to mention you see your balance of microbes, you see the good guys and how healthy and strong they are and what you can do to really boost them. And you see the critters and you see they’re all creditors, but you can see the bad guys. And you can say if there’s parasites, if there’s funky yeast, candida, bacterial overload, where the body needs some support in removing the critters that are unwanted and that the body’s having trouble maintaining a healthy balance.
And so, you know, there’s lots of things that we can do to restore the balance of the guard and in doing that well, what’s going to happen. So I can now digest my [00:13:00] beautiful, clean proteins and my healthy fats. I can make sure that my liver gallbladder is able to process those. And that means that nutrients are, instead of having like lots of big paddock was a food sitting in my gut.
I’m actually going to have lovely. Nutrients at a molecular level that are able to make their way into the bloodstream and go to the cells where they’re needed. So I can make healthy cells and I can eliminate unhealthy cells. So in effect, I’m getting healthier, I’m not getting sicker and that. So that’s why I love the DNA.
Still test the GI map so much. So we’ve digressed a little bit from Marie’s question. I’m hoping every two days is that normal. And we talked about, well, no, that is common, but not normal. We really, Marie. I see you pooping after every meal. So one to three times a day and what can, what can we do to help us with that?
So of course, you know, it’s really important to support yourself with the [00:14:00] right practitioner, therapeutic grade supplements where needed. So. Fantastic supports these days, you know, full of really beautiful ingredients. So there’s healing supports that have got things like glutamine and slippery Elm and marshmallow.
You can have little elixir of aloe Vera juice with your meals that can really help support digestion. We can tell. Antimicrobials and auntie Mary, a parasitic herbs, like on the GI map, you’ll see where they’re indicated. So there’s wonderful supports like Walnut and berberine to help an oil of oregano to really help move things out of the system where we need to do some killing.
And you know, one of my favorites supports. Digestive enzymes because every year over 30 and the research is always evolving. We’re always learning more. Our ability to digest in particular protein becomes more compromised. So I’m always suggesting give yourself some [00:15:00] support with digestive enzymes so that you can make sure that you are breaking down that protein before it arrives at the gut.
So it arrives as a particle and not. Actual food pieces. And a lot of time people are coming to me saying I’m literally seeing whole pieces of food in my, I can see spinach and I can see, you know, carrots and I can see things just literally moving through the system. So some things are normal to seeing the poop often you’ll see things like corn, corn is a fiber, it doesn’t digest.
So don’t break out. If you see corn in your. The fact that in fact, that’s a test I often do to, um, to test transit time. So I’ll get people to eat some corn and then wait and see when it turns up in the poop. So some seeds as well, don’t digest like flaxseed or seed, and sometimes beetroot doesn’t digest.
If you don’t chew it out properly, either. And on that note, beetroot is a wonderful support, but the liver and gallbladder a really helps to stimulate the production of bile. And by. [00:16:00] So wonderful to help us digest it. Emulsify our healthy fats. I want to talk about some other supports food wise that are really, really great for the bowel.
One of my favorite things to talk about is fiber. So most people are not eating. Fiber, I think of fiber as feeding the good guys in your gut. So we talked about that balance of good guys and bad guys, and there’s always going to be a balance. We, but we want the good guys, the critters to be really strong.
And we want your immune system to be really strong, but just like a garden needs fertilizers. Those critters need food. And one of the things they love is veggies. Some veggies are even more important than others. So prebiotic foods are wonderful and some great prebiotic veggies, things like asparagus valley and onion.
There’s things that the gut absolutely loves. And you’ve probably heard of things like kimchi and sauerkraut [00:17:00] fermented foods that the gut loves as well cooked and cooled starches are quite good too. Great studies that show cooked and cooled rice cooked and called potato white potato, a sweet potato.
It’s a really good way to have leftovers, like to cook your starchy carbs the night before, but then eat them the next day because they change your molecular structure and they actually provide this really good solid. Food for the bow. So we love those foods and it’s a great way to eat those foods that you may think, uh, too, carby for you.
So I love prebiotic foods. Green bananas are another great prebiotic foods. So green banana. What I mean by that is from banana. So affirmed banana is completely different to a really soft, you know, maybe brown spotty banana. So the brown spotty is a banana with. The sugar’s in there quite high, whereas a green banana, and often they can taste a little bit chewy, a little bit choking.
I love them like that. [00:18:00] Actually, they are wonderful food for the bow. So that is a few tips for you. How to really feed the colony in your bow, how to ensure that you are providing your body, the support it needs to digest. I mean, one of the biggest things is to make sure you would, that you are in a relaxed state for digestion.
So a great trick to make sure that you are in the relaxed state for digestion is to wait to salivate. So it’s actually a really hard thing to do and something that we don’t probably do that often, but just like, you know, you might walk into someone’s house and, and smell something, cooking. And you immediately start salivating.
Like that’s what we want when we get down. When we sit down to eat some beautiful rituals, like prayer, or like saying what you’re grateful for at the dinner table, there’s some things that I like doing really what it does is it. And environment of connection, [00:19:00] connection to beautiful nourishing food connection to other human beings.
And that will relax your body enough to simulate the digestive process and to get those juices moving. We want the stomach to secrete stomach acid. We want the pancreas to secrete pancreatic enzymes. We want the brain to start talking to our digestive organs. We really want the body to get into the optimal state of digestion and, you know, have fun at your meals.
Talk about your day, talk about if you can’t think of something to say, ask someone what was one thing they loved about their day, and it will start the conversation flowing and it will stimulate your joy in the meal, and it will simulate the joy in your, in yourself, in those around you. Another wonderful tip, which just seems so intuitive is to slow.
Down and, [00:20:00] you know, I suppose one thing I work on is slowing down while I eat. Cause I love my food so much. Um, but you know, if you’re not careful, you can just open your eyes again and it’s all gone and you’re like, oh no. So I’m always watching slow eaters. My father is a slow eater. One of my best friends.
He’s a very slow eater and I’m fascinated by the difference between fast eaters and slow eaters and how. All ended up happening anyway, human beings just such fascinating creatures, but if you are a fast eater, one thing you do need to do is, is be really purposeful about slowing down. And I for one can really appreciate how tricky that can be.
So to summarize, thank you so much, Marie, for your question. And your question is I’m pooping every two days is that normal? We talked about that. This is definitely common, but not normal. So we really want marae. We want to get you pooping more [00:21:00] often. One key thing that we haven’t discussed, but I love talking about.
Hydration. So it’s really important that you are well hydrated. If your system isn’t lubricated, you’re not going to be able to move things through your system. So hydrate fiber, fiber, fiber fiber. So fiber doesn’t mean going out into the chemist or the supermarket and buying some. Psyllium husk. That might be just not a great quality.
That’s really irritating to the gut. Just focus on real food sources of fiber, you know, veggies, veggies, veggies, nuts, and seeds, seeds like chia seeds and Len seeds. A wonderful, and my last tip for you is a really nice thing to do is to make yourself what I call apple pectin, or you can do pear pectin, or you could mix apple and pear pectin.
This is when you will gently. Stew the fruit, the apple, and the pectin back on the pay with the peel on Sue it till it’s really [00:22:00] shiny. And that means the fruits are releasing something called pectin, which is very suiting to the gut. And you’ll often see apple pectin in some really nice prebiotic supports as well.
So it’s a beautiful support. And Marie, if you try. Shoot fruit like that. You probably find your digestion will be improved and you’ll be doing some good quality stools in no time. We talked about the GI map, the DNA still tests, honestly, test don’t guess, you know, in your heart of hearts, if something is not working for you.
So do yourself a favor and do the investigation. So you know why, and you’re not just shooting in the dark and guessing. I love people to find. What’s going on. I love people to learn about their body when you do the investigation and you can actually do something about it. And then finally, I’m always talking to you about what is going on.
You know, I like to think of myself as a health linguist. So dissecting the language, you know, are you saying to yourself I’ve never been a good poor, I don’t believe [00:23:00] I can do this. And if you are, you know, visualize someone that is a really good poor, you know, this was someone with great digestion and you can give your subconscious a command that basically says my digestion is as good as Peter’s.
And that’s a really nice way to give your subconscious some instructions. But when you dissecting what’s going on in your body, You know, how are you eating? What are you drinking? Desi, Preuss smell. Is it floating? Don’t forget to dissect what is going on in your language as well? Like what are you telling yourself?
What do you believe? You know, words are close for your beliefs. So what is going on in either as internal chatter or. Saying to other people. And if you don’t know, ask them, they’ll tell you, what are you saying about your digestion? And that is the first step to change because if the language is not that of, you know, healthy, productive language around what you want to achieve, well, you’ve got [00:24:00] some work to do, but you’re not going to know unless you write it down.
So get a piece of paper. On the left side of the page, right? Everything that you think about, the problem that you’re trying to solve. So in which case, everything you’re saying to yourself about your digestion, whether your pooping, every two days, whether you’re bloated, whether you think you’re never going to be able to solve that problem, you know, your belly always swells up after you eat all those things, get it out there.
Because, unless you understand the data, you’re not going to be able to get to where you want to go. So that’s a really, really good exercise as well. The reason this topic is so important to me, we recently did a study on energy. And so I’ve got a. Energy quiz. If anyone wants it on my website, feel better.
institute.com 10 question. How’s your energy quiz. It’s a fabulous one, only 4% of people. And we’ve run this study on over 7,000 people. Now this quiz only 4% of [00:25:00] people, you know, have optimal digestion. So more than nine out of 10 people. The system isn’t working optimally. I mean, this is a problem. This is a big problem to solve.
So, uh, you know, I want you to take responsibility for your own health and nutrition and find out what is going on and let me know how we can support you. And that’s all for today. I hope you are all amazing love to you all bye-bye if you made it to the end of this episode, celebrate yourself because it means you are truly dedicated to feeling better in your health, in your career, in your relationships.
And I am so proud of you. And if you want more. Feel better now. So tune in every Monday for new episodes and join our community on Instagram at Jackie batter for all the behind the scenes action and more. Hey, why don’t you sign up for a chance to have your question [00:26:00] answered@fieldfitbitinstitute.com slash signup.
That’s feel better. institute.com/sign up. But most. Please keep reaching to feel better because the world needs you to feel good. So you can share that very special gift that only you have. So with that said, see you soon here’s to feeling better now buh-bye Jackie Bowker.